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List of All Characters in Clash of Clans


Clash of Clans Characters List: Clash of Clans, developed by Supercell, is an immensely popular mobile strategy game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. The game’s success lies in its vast array of characters or troops, each with unique abilities and strengths. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your army composition or a newcomer seeking to understand the game’s diverse units, this article will be your ultimate guide to all the characters in Clash of Clans.

List All Characters in Clash of Clans

Below is a comprehensive list of all the characters or troops available in Clash of Clans:

No.Character NameCharacter ImageTypeDescription
1BarbarianBarbarian_lvl1Ground TroopMighty and fearless warriors wielding a sword.
2ArcherArcher_Render3Ground TroopDeadly sharpshooters with bows, capable of attacking from a distance.
3GiantGiant_lvl1Ground TroopEnormous tank-like units that deal massive damage to defenses.
4GoblinGoblin_lvl1Ground TroopSneaky and fast units that target resources and loot.
5Wall BreakerWall_Breaker_informationGround TroopExplosive specialists designed to breach enemy walls.
6BalloonBalloons_Level_1Air TroopAirborne attackers dropping bombs from above.
7WizardTroop-WizardGround TroopMasters of magic, dealing splash damage to ground units.
8HealerAvatar_HealerAir TroopSupportive units capable of healing wounded troops.
9DragonAvatar_DragonAir TroopFerocious flying units breathing fire upon enemy structures.
10P.E.K.K.ASneak_Peek_PEKKA_L5Ground TroopPowerful armored warriors armed with a devastating sword.
11Baby DragonAvatar_Baby_DragonAir TroopYoung dragons with ranged attacks, effective against ground and air units.
12MinerAvatar_MinerGround TroopStealthy miners capable of tunneling under walls.
13Electro DragonElectro_Dragon_info_2Air TroopElectric dragons with chain lightning attacks.
14YetiYeti_info_2Ground TroopIce-tossing Yetis that deal splash damage.
15MinionAvatar_MinionAir TroopSmall flying creatures attacking enemy defenses.
16Hog RiderHog_riderGround TroopFast riders on hogs, leaping over walls and targeting defenses.
17ValkyrieValkyrieCoCGround TroopSpinning axe warriors dealing splash damage to multiple targets.
18GolemGolemGround TroopMassive rock golems with high hitpoints, exploding upon death.
19WitchAvatar_WitchGround TroopSummoner of skeletons to aid in battles.
20Lava HoundAvatar_Lava_HoundAir TroopLava-filled flying units with low attack but high hitpoints.
21BowlerBowler1Ground TroopBoulder-throwing units damaging enemy buildings with a bowling ball.
22Ice GolemIce_Golem1Ground TroopFrozen golems that slow down enemy defenses upon death.
23HeadhunterHeadhunter_info_2Ground TroopSnipers that target enemy heroes and deal significant damage.
24Electro TitanElectro_TitanAir TroopElectric Yetis releasing chain lightning upon death.
25Sneaky GoblinAvatar_Sneaky_GoblinGround TroopInvisible and sneaky goblins that target resources.
Clash of Clans Characters List

Barbarian: Mighty Warriors of the Land

The Barbarian is one of the earliest and most iconic characters in Clash of Clans. These mighty warriors charge into battle fearlessly, wielding their swords with great strength. Their ability to withstand damage makes them ideal for tanking and distracting enemy defenses. Barbarians excel in dealing with enemy resource buildings and are an essential component of most attacking strategies.

Archer: Deadly Precision from Afar

Archers are highly skilled sharpshooters, boasting incredible accuracy and ranged attacks. They can target enemy structures from a distance, making them ideal for picking off defensive buildings or taking down exposed enemy troops. Archers play a crucial role in many attack compositions, especially those focused on taking down enemy defenses from afar.

Giant: Wrecking Ball of Destruction

Giant troops are enormous powerhouses capable of dealing devastating blows to enemy defenses. They prioritize defensive structures, making them invaluable for breaking through enemy lines. Giants have a substantial amount of hitpoints, allowing them to absorb considerable damage and protect other, more fragile units during a raid.

Goblin: Swift Looter of Resources

Goblins are nimble and speedy units that specialize in raiding enemy resource buildings. They are particularly effective against resource collectors, storages, and Town Hall structures. Goblins can swiftly move through enemy defenses, making them an excellent choice for looting resources during farming sessions.

Wall Breaker: Shattering Enemy Defenses

Wall Breakers are the demolition experts of Clash of Clans. They carry explosive devices designed to breach enemy walls, granting access to the core of an enemy’s base. Properly deploying Wall Breakers is essential to allow your troops to penetrate the enemy’s defenses effectively.

Balloon: Airborne Annihilator

The Balloon is an airborne unit that drops powerful bombs on enemy buildings, dealing significant damage upon impact. They are especially effective against ground-targeting defenses, making them a menace for bases with poorly protected anti-air weapons.

Wizard: Masters of the Arcane

Wizards are skilled sorcerers who harness the power of magic to obliterate enemy forces. They deal splash damage to ground units, making them highly effective against clusters of enemy troops. Proper placement of Wizards can make a substantial difference in the outcome of a battle.

Healer: Nurturing Support for Troops

Healers are invaluable support units that heal wounded troops during battles. They keep your offensive units alive for longer, ensuring the longevity of your attack. Healers are particularly effective when combined with powerful tanks such as Giants or Golems.

Dragon: Reign of Fire

Dragons are fearsome flying units that breathe fire upon enemy structures, causing widespread devastation. They are most effective when deployed against bases with clustered buildings, as their fire breath can take out multiple structures simultaneously.

P.E.K.K.A: Unstoppable Juggernaut

The P.E.K.K.A is a heavily armored warrior carrying a massive sword. They are incredibly powerful against defensive structures and high-hitpoint units. Their presence alone can intimidate opponents, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Baby Dragon: Aerial Menace

Baby Dragons are youthful versions of their larger counterparts, with similar ranged attacks. They are effective against both ground and air units, making them versatile troops. Baby Dragons are commonly used in attacks to clear out groups of enemy troops.

Miner: Subterranean Invader

Miners are stealthy troops capable of tunneling underground and emerging near enemy defenses. They can bypass walls, making them excellent for attacking bases with strong defensive barriers.

Electro Dragon: Shock and Awe

The Electro Dragon is a fearsome airborne unit that releases chain lightning upon its enemies. Its attacks can jump from target to target, dealing substantial damage to enemy troops and structures.

Yeti: Ice-Cold Warriors

Yetis toss icy projectiles at enemy buildings, dealing splash damage. They are particularly effective against tightly packed enemy structures. Yetis are known for their ability to clear out enemy defenses quickly.

Minion: Tiny Terrors of the Sky

Minions are small flying creatures that target enemy defenses. They are speedy attackers and can quickly take down enemy structures when deployed strategically.

Hog Rider: Leaping Over Walls

Hog Riders are fast and agile warriors riding hogs. They have the ability to leap over walls, making them excellent for taking out defenses isolated by walls.

Valkyrie: Spinning Death

Valkyries are fierce warriors wielding spinning axes. They deal splash damage to multiple targets, making them effective against clusters of enemy troops.

Golem: Rock Solid Tank

Golems are massive rock creatures with substantial hitpoints. Upon death, they explode into smaller Golemites, dealing additional damage to enemy defenses.

Witch: Summoner of Skeletons

Witches are dark sorceresses who can summon skeletons to aid in battles. These summoned troops can serve as a distraction or deal damage to enemy defenses.

Lava Hound: Fiery Protector

The Lava Hound is a flying unit filled with molten lava. Although it has low attack damage, it soaks up enemy fire while your other troops go about their destruction.

Bowler: Boulder-Throwing Bruiser

Bowlers throw massive boulders at enemy buildings, dealing significant damage with each attack. They are excellent for creating a path through enemy bases.

Ice Golem: Chilling Impact

Ice Golems slow down enemy defenses upon death, allowing your other troops to move through the base with ease.

Headhunter: Precision Snipers

Headhunters are skilled snipers that target enemy heroes. Their attacks can deal significant damage to even the mightiest of opponents.

Electro Yeti: Electric Finale

Electro Yetis release chain lightning upon their death, making them particularly dangerous upon defeat.

Sneaky Goblin: Invisible Plunderers

Sneaky Goblins can turn invisible, making them adept at sneaking into enemy bases and grabbing loot.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the most powerful character in Clash of Clans?

The most powerful character in Clash of Clans is undoubtedly the P.E.K.K.A. With its high hitpoints and devastating sword, it can single-handedly dismantle enemy defenses and structures with ease.

Are there any characters that can attack both air and ground units?

Yes, there are characters that can attack both air and ground units. The Baby Dragon is a prime example of such a versatile troop, making it a popular choice in various attack strategies.

How can I effectively use Healers in my attacks?

To use Healers effectively, make sure to deploy them alongside powerful tanks like Giants or Golems. This way, your offensive units will receive continuous healing, increasing their longevity on the battlefield.

Which character is best for looting resources from enemy bases?

When it comes to looting resources, the Goblin is your go-to character. Its speed and ability to target resource buildings make it an excellent choice for raiding enemy bases for loot.

Are there any characters that can tunnel under walls?

Yes, the Miner is a character capable of tunneling under walls. This unique ability allows them to bypass defensive barriers and reach high-value targets within an enemy base.

Can the Electro Dragon target multiple enemy units simultaneously?

Yes, the Electro Dragon can target multiple enemy units simultaneously with its chain lightning attack, making it effective against clustered enemy troops and buildings.

Town Hall 14


In conclusion, Clash of Clans offers a vast and diverse range of characters or troops, each with its unique abilities and strengths. Understanding the role and capabilities of each unit is crucial for crafting successful attack strategies and dominating the battlefield. Whether you prefer ground or air troops, Clash of Clans has an assortment of characters to suit your playstyle. So assemble your army wisely, learn from your victories and defeats, and embark on an epic journey to become the ultimate Clash of Clans champion!


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